Understanding EKG Basics

Take the quiz below to test your knowledge and understanding of EKG Basics.
(Answers can be found on the following page).

Match the following cardiac conduction terms to their definitions below:

1.  EKG horizontal axis             
a.  diastole
2.  SA node                             
b.  time
3.  the ventricles                       c.  myocardial ischemia
4.  QT interval                          d.  spontaneously generate
                                                   electrical impulses
  QRS complex                       
e.  intrinsic rate of 20-40 bpm
6.  myocardial cells                    f.   ventricular depolarization
7.  pacemaker cells                    g.  atrial muscle depolarization
8.  T-wave                                h.  less than 0.43 seconds
9.  P-wave                                i.   primary pacemaker of the                                                                         heart
10. ST segment depression          j.  mechanical cells of the heart

11. In coronary circulation, which valve does blood flow through when moving from the left atrium to the left ventricle? 

12. An electrocardiogram or EKG is a graphic recording of the mechanical activity of the heart.

a) True
b) False

13. A normal heart rate for an adult human being is:
a) 20-40 bpm

b) >120 bpm

c) 40-60 bpm
d) 60-100 bpm

e) all of the above

14. In coronary circulation, which artery supplies blood to the right and left bundle branches, the anterior two-thirds of the interventricular septum, and the anterior and lateral walls of the Left Ventricle?
a) Right Coronary Artery

b) Left Anterior Descending Artery

c) Internal Carotids
d) Left Circumflex Artery

e) all of the above

15. Early ventricular repolarization is reflected on an EKG by the ST-segment.

a) True
b) False

16. The Right Coronary Artery supplies blood to both the right and left heart.
a) True

b) False

17. One small square in an EKG rhythm strip is equal to:

a) 0.1 mV
b) 0.5 mV

c) 0.2 seconds

d) 0.04 seconds

e) a & c

 f) a & d
g) b & c

h) all of the above
18. Atrial systole is represented by the P-wave on an EKG.

a) True
b) False

19. Ventricular rate can be calculated by measuring the time intervals       between P-waves.

a) True
b) False

20. Which cardiac arrhythmia is characterized by an atrial rate of   250-350 bpm and a classic "saw tooth" pattern?

a) asystole
b) normal sinus rhythm

c) atrial fibrillation

d) ventricular fibrillation

e) atrial flutter